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Own this pysanka celebration of renewal, strength and perseverance.

Ready to meet life’s challenges head-on, the mighty ram is a dignified symbol of leadership and determination. On this exquisite 99.99% pure gold pysanka coin, the finely engraved folk-art depiction of a ram standing atop a rocky cliff is an inspiring metaphor for strength and perseverance, having overcome all obstacles to have its moment in the sun.

Welcome spring with this gold celebration of a Ukrainian tradition.

This year, the net cash proceeds earned from the sale of our gold and silver pysanka coins will be donated to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

  • Celebrate tradition. Celebrate Ukrainian culture and the symbolism of spring with this exclusive golden tribute to strength and perseverance. This egg-shaped pysanka coin is a precious metal showcase of a centuries-old artform with layers of meaning.
  • Pure gold. The engraved intricacies of this folk-art design and the coin’s luminous proof finish reflect the highest calibre of minting craftsmanship.
  • Pairs beautifully with previous pysanky. This is the fourth pysanka coin design from artist Dave Melnychuk, who designed the first gold one (2019’s Eternal Blessing).
  • Coveted and cherished. Only 300 coins are available to collectors worldwide, and all previous pysanka coins sold out quickly.
  • Un certificat numéroté inclus. La Monnaie royale canadienne garantit l'authenticité de toutes ses pièces de collection.
  • Aucune TPS ni TVH.


Cette pièce est encapsulée et présentée dans un boîtier à double coque marqué de la Monnaie royale canadienne, assorti d'une boîte noire protectrice.


Paired with solar symbols and basking in the gleam of 99.99% pure gold, the finely engraved motif of a ram standing on a mountain delivers an inspiring message for 2024 (and beyond).


The ram is a popular Ukrainian art motif and has long appeared on pysanky (the plural of “pysanka”). The curved spirals that represent a ram’s horns (“rizhky”) are an ancient symbol of leadership and perseverance—they even appear on ancient Trypillian pottery from the Neolithic era (5500-2750 BCE).

Designed by artist Dave Melnychuk, your pysanka coin’s reverse features a central motif of a ram—a traditional symbol of strength and perseverance—standing on a mountain peak, with the moon and rising sun in the sky. The inspiring scene is framed by a diamond shape symbolizing the earth and the notion of stability. The eternity bands contain curls and spirals inspired by the symbolism and appearance of the ram, while eight-pointed stars represent the sun and celebrate spring as the season of renewal and rebirth. The obverse features the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt. The obverse also bears a special marking that includes four pearls symbolizing the four effigies that have graced Canadian coins and the double date of her reign.


The Royal Canadian Mint is known as one of the most reputable mints in the world. The Ottawa Branch of the Royal Mint opened in 1908 and was renamed The Royal Canadian Mint in 1931 when control was transferred to the Canadian government. The Royal Canadian Mint is renowned for producing some of the highest quality and purity of gold and silver bullion coins and bars in the world. Their high standards for excellence and quality allowed them to be the first refinery to manufacture 9999 fine gold bullion coins in 1982, as well as the first to reach 99999 fine gold purity in 1998.

Monnaie royale canadienne
CAD 250
Dave Melnychuk
58.5 grams
45 x 33

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